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Discover the Bleu collection, featuring the unique works of street artist Vincent Bardou. This captivating series explores the various shades of blue through street art, contemporary art, urban art, and pop art. Each original creation, crafted using diverse techniques such as oil painting, aerosol, acrylic, and Posca markers, showcases the expressive power of contemporary graffiti. Renowned painter Vincent Bardou transforms each piece into a striking visual experience, blending emotion and creativity. Dive into this unique artistic universe where blue becomes a symbol of depth and originality, revealing the artist's mastery in every distinctive work. Explore this unprecedented collection and let the brilliance of modern street art inspire you.


Vincent Bardou's paintings inspired by mythology transport viewers into a world filled with legends and epic tales. With remarkable artistic mastery, Bardou brings the gods and heroes of mythology to life through compositions rich in detail and symbolism. The paintings captivate the imagination with their grandiose scenes, majestic characters, and fantastical landscapes. Whether depicting the power of Zeus, the beauty of Aphrodite, or the heroism of Hercules, each of Bardou's works is a tribute to the mythological heritage and the timeless fascination it evokes. Vincent Bardou's paintings in this collection remind us of the richness of mythological stories and invite us to delve into a mythical universe where magic and adventure abound.

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